The Removal of Wisdom Teeth Stitches

After surgery, you will need to follow the instructions provided by your surgeon to heal your mouth. You should avoid drinking through a straw for at least a day after the surgery. You should also avoid vigorous physical activity to reduce the risk of bleeding and infection. Your surgeon will give you specific guidelines regarding when you can resume your normal activities. Once the bleeding has stopped, you can return to your daily routine. If you have any concerns about the stitches, you can call your doctor. He will let you know when to return to your normal routine.

removal of wisdom teeth stitches

After surgery, you should brush your gums to remove the stitches. The thread will remain in your gums for a few days. This is normal. It will take around four to five weeks for the gum tissue to reattach to the bone. It is best to contact your dentist if the stitches become unsightly or if they bleed excessively. You should also avoid harsh mouthwash and vigorous movements.

After surgery, you should visit your dentist to remove the stitches. This will prevent dry sockets and blood clots. Your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for your wound. It is also important to rinse your mouth with salty water for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Spitting water on the wound can cause a blood clot. Your dentist may also prescribe a solution of chlorhexidine to reduce the chance of oral infection. It is important to follow the prescription given by your dentist as it will minimize any risk of infection.

After wisdom teeth surgery, you will need to remove the sutures. Dissolvable sutures will dissolve within eight to thirty days. Those that do not will need to be removed by a dentist. Remember, this does not mean your mouth will be completely healed. The socket can take between three and four months for your mouth to heal. If you pull the stitches, you may experience an infection or additional complications. It is important to keep these instructions in mind to make the most out of your procedure.

Besides pain, you will need to follow the instructions of your dentist. After the surgery, your dentist will apply gauze or stitches. These are not dissolvable and will dissolve in your mouth. They will be removed after seven to ten days. If your oral surgeon recommends dissolvable sutures, you should follow those instructions. This will prevent infection and extra doctor visits. When the stitches dissolve, you should avoid pulling them as it can aggravate the wound.


After surgery, you can continue normal activities. However, it is important not to rub or pick the site, as this can irritate the wound and make it worse. Afterward, you should avoid cutting or pulling the sutures. They will dissolve in the mouth and be passed as waste. If they are not removed, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to prevent further infection. It is best not to tear the stitches. This can damage your gums and cheek.

After the surgery, you should avoid chewing on the stitches. Although these sutures may feel loose initially, they will disintegrate after a few days. It is important not to spit as this can disrupt the healing process. Instead, you should refrain from flossing and spitting. If you can't wait for a few days, you can brush the stitches yourself. After the surgery, you should wash your mouth carefully and avoid putting a lot of pressure on the wound.

Related: Mouthwash after wisdom tooth extraction 

If you are still concerned about the stitches, contact your dentist immediately. After your surgery, the stitches will be less visible. You should not pick or press the stitches. You should avoid vigorously moving your mouth for at least the first few weeks. Your mouth will bleed slightly. Your dentist will tell you when you can resume your usual activities. This will depend on the type of stitches you have had. They will determine when you can start doing normal activities.

Although most stitches will disappear after about two weeks, you should still follow the instructions of your dentist for optimal healing. After the surgery, you should avoid touching the wound. The stitches are still sensitive. Never push on the area with your mouth. If the incisions are open, you can use a straw. You should also avoid drinking from the mouth for at least a week after the surgery. Your dentist will recommend an antibiotic for the first week and then check the wound to ensure it is closed.