Child doing ○○ before going to bed, sleep quality deteriorates

Child doing before going to sleep

Children who watch TV before bed are more likely to develop problems such as sleep disturbance and attention deficit, a study has found.

A research team at New York University in the United States conducted a study to find out how the habit of watching TV before going to bed affects infants (0-2 years old). The participation was conducted with 403 households living in New York and Pittsburgh. The survey was conducted twice in total, when the children of each family were 18 months old and 2 years old (24 months old).

The first survey, conducted when the child was around 18 months of age, evaluated 'how much TV is shown before going to bed', 'how many hours the child sleeps at night', and 'the quality of the child's sleep'. At the age of two, they asked about 'the child's attention problem' and 'aggressive behavior'.

As a result of the analysis, 52% of respondents said that they watched TV to their children before bedtime. Children who watched TV before bed had less than average total sleep time by the age of two. They also experienced sleep disturbances more frequently than children who did not watch TV. As the quality of sleep deteriorated, attention deficit and aggressive behavior were also observed, the researchers explained.

Miller, assistant professor of population health at New York University's Grossman University, said, "The study found that poor quality sleep can lead to problem behaviors. It led to problematic behavior.” “Parents should help their children form good sleep habits,” he said.

“Redundancy of sleep rituals. You have to frame a good habits.”

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